Fibroid Elimination Protocol
Fibroids are tumors made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue.
They develop in the uterus. It is estimated that 70 to 80 percent of women will develop fibroids in their lifetime, however, not everyone will develop symptoms or require treatment.
Is becoming more common nowadays in women of reproductive age and one major factor is because of poor nutritional habits and genetic factors
The most important characteristic of fibroids is that they’re almost always benign, or noncancerous.
Most women with fibroids will experience no symptoms at all.
However, large or numerous fibroids can cause the following symptoms:
- Heavy or prolonged periods
- Bleeding between periods
- Pelvic pain and pressure
- Frequent urination
- Low back pain
- Pain during intercourse
- Difficulty getting pregnant
The duration of Our herbal medicine treatment approach depends on how big the fibroid is and how many are they in the reproductive area.
Correction of diets and cleansing of the reproductive system is major first approaches before the fibroid eliminating medicine.
It can shrink the fibroid or take them out depending on how strong the fibroids’ attachment to the walls of reproductive system are.
One of the advantages of our fibroid therapy is that it improves fertility, so a woman who is trying to conceive and fibroids is the cause can easily get pregnant.
- 11, Awonubi Street, Off Oke Street, By Johnson Bus Stop, Pedro Palmgrove Bariga Lagos
- 07030420960 or 07062950502
- [email protected]