CARICA PAPAYA (Pawpaw / Ibepe)

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Pawpaw is one of wonderful enzymatic fruits in nature and it is very good for improving digestion. It contains a lot of phytochemicals, like Papain which is specifically for pain, Abortifacient, Antacid, Appetizer, Choline, Beta carotene, Alkaloids, Histamine etc
Papaya leaves (in powdered form) are powerful immune boosters. They can be combined with Goat weed for the same purpose (both should be of equal quantity).
It contains many many enzymes like Glycol glucotropacolin, Chymopapain, Caricin
Fever, malaria and low platelets: Drink leaves juice.
Fertility issues: This plant is very good for, the female bearing fruit one is used for it (Ripe fruits and Pineapple are put to boil, decoction improves fertility).
Fungi, Rashes, Dandruff & Abscesses: You can rub the white latex on the fungi, rashes and the dandruff. It can also be used for Amenorrhea (Rub latex with Fowl Feather and insert). Latex contains more papain, which makes it very good to apply on inflammations.
Bacteria infections: soak leaves in corn and drink.
Liver diseases: drink juice. Can blend seeds with lemon juice for liver diseases and for parasites, to deworm.
Note: It is usually good to attack intestinal worms unawares. As soon as they perceive a substance that can kill them, they usually build resistance.
For Worms: You can chew seeds too or turn to powder and mix with milk, then drink.
Diabetes: leaves in powdered form can be used to treat it, can be capsuled or Tea
Cancer management: boil leaves for 5 hours and patient drink the decoction.
Dental care: for infections, Gingivitis, drop latex directly on them.
Fibroids in uterus: burn unripe fruits with Alligator pepper and use powder with Gin or Lime juice.
Heart problems: boil seeds for cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension 
Memory enhancer: ripped fruits are good for memory and juice can be mixed with honey.
Kidney diseases: drink leaves juice.
Jaundice, intestinal worms and cough: We use flowers to treat jaundice, intestinal worms and cough, boil and drink, add honey for Cough.
Asthma: Dried pawpaw leaves smoke can be inhaled for asthma.
Stroke: Dry leaves that fall on it’s own can be powered and mixed with Palm kernel oil for massaging Stroke patients
Malaria and skin diseases: Pawpaw leaves used as sponge to bathe, cure malaria and skin diseases
Kidney diseases: Matured unripe pawpaw is eaten to treat kidney diseases.
Headaches: pound roots with black soap to cure, use soap to wash your heads into a wash hand base or into bucket and pour away
Pneumonia: Pound the roots and seeds, boil and drink for 
Cholesterol: Unripe fruits helps control cholesterol, just the unripe fruits cut into pieces and soaked in water for 2 to 3 days, drink 200ml twice a day 
Note: The green unripe fruit also contains molic acid, volatile compound and it can induce abortion.

You can mix the ripe fruit with local black soap for tender and succulent skin, add little Shea butter to the soap.
The seeds are abortifacient, which means it can terminate pregnancy. Anyone who is pregnant should not use.
We use the root to treat Renal, Respiratory, Urinary bladder diseases, boil or soak and drink.
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