dark room

Benefits Of Sleeping IN THE DARK And Infertility

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The modern bedroom is full of lights, from glowing computer monitors and clock radios to any number of blinking and glimmering electronic devices. 
Trouble is, chronic exposure to light at night leads to a host of health problems.

Regulation of Melatonin Production
It can be argued that one of the most important hormones in the body is melatonin and light in the night disrupt it functions and production 

Enhancing Mental Focus
Sleeping in the dark not only reduces insomnia, but it also improves your mental focus and alertness during the day. 
Melatonin is also Anti-Aging and Anti-inflammatory hormone

According to author Louise Lacey, women’s menstrual cycles are naturally wired to be in sync with the moon. In all early societies, before industrialisation and consumption of processed food, women ovulated at the full moon and menstruated at the new moon. While this was natures default setting, hormonal disruption due to prolonged external stimuli has caused havoc and chaos in women’s menstrual cycles:

Random and uncomfortable periods are the effects of a bad diet and lifestyle that disconnects women from the rhythm of nature. 

Modern living means that most women abuse their bodies with various chemicals, cosmetics, antibiotics, prescription drugs, pills, extreme emotional stress, over exercising, refined food and more.

A key factor in hormonal imbalance is artificial light; it wreaks havoc on their sleep cycles. Their bodies are so sensitive to light patterns that women can regulate release of hormones by managing the light at night. 

The concept of manipulating light to regulate menstrual cycles is called lunaception
Lunaception, as the name suggests, follows the pattern of the moon to increase fertility. Sleep in complete darkness, except for three nights in each cycle, i.e., on the 14th, 15th and 16th, when you can use a dim light. 

By avoiding intercourse on these three days, women can develop regular and healthy menstrual cycles. You will find tremendous improvement after three months of practicing lunaception and notice more energy, easier weight management, less PMS and more.

Create a completely dark environment in your bedroom. Seal the edges of curtains around windows, so that no light seeps in.
You can also put garbage bags over windows. Also, put a towel under the crack of your door. Once the lights are off, you should not be able to see your hand in front of your face. 

A sleep mask is not a suitable substitute, but it is better than nothing. The body can sense light in the environment through other openings, such as the ears or nose.

If you visit the bathroom at night, put a red light bulb in the hallway and your bathroom. The red light, just like the firelight used in traditional cultures, will not trigger early ovulation.

Sleep in complete darkness, except for the three days mentioned above. 

It is recommended to sleep in complete darkness for one to two months prior to night lighting, to help ‘reset’ the body.

This is one of the important things to consider while trying to conceive. Infertility can be caused by many things though.
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